2018 Annual Meeting
Current board members
· President-Greg Nellermoe
· Vice president-?? Mike Rolland by paper vote 1-8-18
· Secretary-Chris Levorsen
· Treasurer-Chris Hoppe
· 3 Gun-Brad Sterup
Meeting Minutes
1. FMPSA early set up and gift cards. Present and setting up by 7:30am, name in a hat to be drawn for $25 Scheels card given away at shooters meeting. All names kept track of…end of year drawing for a $200 and $100 Scheels gift card. Brad S motioned and 2nd by Phil T.
2. Junior reduced fees for matches as per USPSA rules, 17 and younger. $20 instead of $30 at Glyndon. $20 At RRRMC instead of $25. Chris L motioned, Mike R + others 2nd.
3. Insurance on container and or trailer at RRRMC… Brad, Chris to check with Glyndon. Greg at RRRMC.
4. Container---3 shelving units and then go from there. Spring clean and organize. Tabled till spring work.
5. List of needs with container and 4+ bays: walls, fence posts….Tabled till spring building
6. Summer Mondays, how many and when…we cancelled over half last summer…
Mike E motioned, 2nd by Brad S and Phil T. No RRRMC summer shooting (June, July and August). Instead will look into 1 or 2 Mondays a month outside practice at the Glyndon range. FMPSA MEMBERS ONLY. Need to check with Glyndon, possible? Small fee??? Poll?...to see interest or…
Work on a list of items needed/desired for matches, ie forward falling poppers, max traps………
Matches for the year: schedule out
· January 21st Mike R winter league
· February 18th Mike R winter league
· March 18th super classifier Greg N
· April 14th Steel challenge?? April 15th @ RRRMC?? Weather...Mike E, Paul J
· April 28nd 3GunBrad, Chris, Chris
· May 12th
· May 19th 3GunBrad, Chris, Chris
· June 9th
· June 16rd 3GunBrad, Chris, Chris
· July 14th Mike R
· July 28th 3GunBrad, Chris, Chris
· August 4th
· August 25th 3GunBrad, Chris, Chris
· Sept 8th
· Sept 22nd 3Gun Brad, Chris, Chris
· Nov 18th Mike R
· Dec 16th Greg N
If you have any questions or comments please let us know at info@fmpsa.com
Thanks for getting the minutes posted
Hope more shooters join FMPSA we need a strong membership