FMPSA annual meeting
Glyndon Rod & Gun Club Banquet 12/7
Winter league Alpha % Starts this Sunday at our match @ 4pm
Nov 17th Match @ RRRMC @ 4pm Come and join us!!
NO practice this Sunday 11/10. ND and MN deer hunting this weekend & a lot of people are out of town
October practices are on Sunday the 13th and 20th starting at 5pm at RRRMC...See you there!
How to use PractiScore
It's time to head inside
Summer League Results
FMPSA MATCH Saturday 9/14. Come and join us for it will be a blast! Sign up on practiscore
Set up help needed. Friday 9/13 at 5 or 6pm, when you can get there. And 9/14 at 7:30am to set up.
Practice CANCELLED 8/26 Thought without more showers we may get by but a little muddy. Last line NOT
Summer League Standings
August 10th MATCH see you on Saturday! Preregister on practiscore if you can.
Monday Practice Cancelled
July 2-Gun Match - 7/27
Summer League Standings
USPSA July Match
Monday practice July 1st cancelled.
June 3Gun match cancelled